Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The kids and family

Family is coming in to town this week, and we are all on pins and needles in anticipation of their arrival! It will be one sweet visit before another long absence. It just never feels normal to be distanced from family, especially when grand kids are involved, but we make the best of it

Grace, Ben, and Noah have been busy, busy growing into huge kids and playing heartily with their toys and each other. Noah is a fierce walker now at 11 months. I still am breathless each time I think it.
He is walking.
What? He is walking?
But he's just a baby...
Stop thinking about the fact that he is walking, and go get him. The kid is climbing up the stairs again!

But he is... and there's really no stopping this TANK of a little man. He is truly hard core! When he has a board book in his hand, his teeth grind on it like he's going in for the kill on an ear of corn. That boy knows how to chew.

And Benjamin is potty training. It's funny how the Lord works. I've been saying "no" to some different opportunities that were coming up. We just had a lot going on AND a few too many little ones in diapers for me to feel comfortable taking more on. Well, about a week after saying "no", Benjamin sat on the potty before bath time and went, by himself. No prodding. No pushing. Nothing. And at the exact same moment, I was locating my very first gray hair in the mirror. Let's just say that Benjamin's achievements were praised much higher than my own. So since that fateful day, not a diaper has laid against his soft little tushy, and mom and dad are none the prouder. Although, we are still experiencing all of the joyful things that come with a potty training toddler. Need I get into details??? He is doing great though, and his personality is really starting to poke through as he sees the fruit of his own independence. I am so proud of him.

Grace is being a very big helper. Such a mommy to her little brothers. She's learning how to be responsible. I'm realizing now that I should have had higher expectations for her these last few months. As we're teaching responsibility skills, she seems to be picking it up quickly. She's like, "oh, I know how to do that." And then she does it! And I think to myself, "why on earth did I let her get away with not doing that for so long!??" She's such a smart, creative little cookie. I cannot wait to see how the Lord will use her!

Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we seek to reach out to the city of Spring Hill. Pray that we would be willing to pour ourselves out as a drink offering for the salvation of these people. Pray that we remain encouraged and trusting and not forgetful and fearful in the fluctuating circumstances that seem to surround us at times. Pray that people pour into our home and that the Lord meets their needs and woos them to himself. I hope we can just participate in that beautiful act.

Grace to you and yours,

Monday, October 5, 2009

And while I am stricken with guilt for not updating more frequently, I won't let that stop me from posting when I have the opportunity and the desire. All is well in our home. The Lord is working in us to will and to work according to his pleasure. What do I mean when I say that? He is literally working in us, teaching us, chiseling away at sinful desires and sloth, showing us our own selfishness and giving us the will and strength to work out our salvation, to grow more like Christ. It's one of the beautiful things about being children of God, he gives us what we need so that we can look more like His son. He delights in watching us grow more like His son, and He helps us to do it.
Today, I have been thinking about what it looks like to "be more like Christ". When we look at a picture of Christ, we may see someone who was very kind and giving, someone who followed God's law and was never disobedient. We see someone who loved without boundaries.
When trying to grow more like Christ, sometimes, I think, we forget to pursue the things that are the most difficult. For example, Jesus was giving. He gave of his time, every day to disciple and teach those in his company. He gave of his status, becoming a servant, washing feet. He gave of his life, and not just in part, but fully. He took on our sin and died so that we could live under His righteous name. When you think about becoming more like Christ, do you ever wonder if you would be asked to die? Or what about if you were asked to give up all that you had? What if you knew someone in need, and helping them would mean that you would have to go without? When will we begin to believe that "God is able to make ALL grace abound toward (us), that (we), always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work." When we see someone in need

This week we've rejoiced over many things...

Like the fact that Benjamin will shortly be FULLY, yes fully potty trained.

As soon as he stops having "accidents"! By the grace of God, he has not worn a diaper in 10 days.

That also means, I've had a lot of cleaning to do!