Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eight Years

Eight years ago today, two youngsters got themselves hitched. They didn't know what love was.
They thought they did.

They had no idea that nine months after this kiss, their world would change again with a new baby on the way.

They were on the five year plan.

Five years later. The five year plan lasted all of eight months!

Eight years and he is still my best friend, my prayer warrior, my helper and strong leader. By the Lord's grace, my husband is a better man than the great man I knew eight years ago. He is so good to me.
And he still makes me laugh.
A lot.

Thank you Nathan, for choosing me and for not quitting when the waves toss us to and fro. Thank you for clinging to Jesus for me and with me through this walk. You still are the man of my dreams.


NA said...

so sweet! I loved reading this & looking at your photos! You all are blessed :)

Jordan said...

congratulations! I loved your wedding dress too! so sweet :)